opening 6

sekian lama aku tak posting ...

widiwdiwdiw ...
sekian lama nggak posting kiriman blog .. sekali posting langsung segubrek gubrek

jadi gini...
pertama ...
kemarin .. gue baca buku karya Esti Kinasih .. judulnya Dia Tanpa Aku
ceritanya ngena banget dihati .. sama kayak karyanya yang lain ,, misal :
CEWEK,Still,sama Fairish ... beuh .. gue enak banget bacanya .. kayak udah ada roh pemainnya gitu

hehehe .. udah gitu karakternya bener bener idup , jadi ngehayatinnya ga susah .. dan dengan mudah nyerna tokoh tokoh ituuuu :D

lagian .. gue juga jadi terinspirasi buat novel .. heheh ...
cuma .. ya gitu aja ... tokoh yang gue buat gapernah bisa gue hayatin sendiri
nah udah gitu gimana lagi yaa ??
pokoknya ka Esti Kinasih the best ,, :D
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pairing favorite gue

kyaaaa .. ini pose yang paling menggembirakan .. hwahahahaha .. pasalnya
saya suka pairing ini Hitsugaya Toshiro ♥ Hinamori Momo
gyahahahaha ... cocok banget .. meski ada kejanggalan aja .. hahahaha (-digaplok Hitsugaya-)
heheheheh ... lagian ini juga .. kayaknya cocok karena udah sahabat dari kecil .. hehe
pokoknya .. kalau sering ngikutin episode Bleach .. bakalan kecanduan sama pair ini ..
gyahahaha .. pasti deeeeh :D
oh iya ...
pair Ichiruki juga keren .. :)

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Teman teman Paparazzi in action ...

ini gaya yang benar benar gaya ,,,, masalahnya ketauan lagi bergaya
kalo yang ntar ntar .. liat aja deh... fotofoto selanjutnya

gaya tanpa ekspresi .. nggak tau .. cuma mau gaya gimana lagi cobaaa ???

ini adalah FREESTYLE . anda bisa mencoba setiap gaya pada saat
sang foto grafer bilang FREESTYLE.. hahahaha

ini gak tau .. lagi ekspresi apa , yang jelas menggambarkan kaget gajelas gitu

this is the background of Blogger gue .. hahahahahaha
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PHOTOGRAPHY by : Anisa Rizki Faddila
  • Ajri Scadsa Darutama
  • Marisa Ulfah Khairunnisa
  • Moudy Karina Dewi
PLACE : in Barangkali Class
BACKGROUND : Barangkali Wall with all people indoor

awal gue suka Bleach ...

Ukitake Juushiru
kapten Divisi 13
kapten ini sering batuk batuk ..
yang gue tau sih begitu ...
Gothei 13

Kurotsuchi Mayuri
kapten divisi ke 12
(sebelumnya Urahara Kisuke)
minat dalam setiap eksperimen ... ckckck ipa banget
Gothei 13

Zaraki Kenpachi
kapten divisi ke 11
minat berperang tinggi
Gothei 13

Toshiro Hitsugaya (taichou)
whaaaa .. favorite dari favorite chara gue !!!!
kapten divisi ke 10 .
duhh .. beruntung banget Hinamori Momo . ckckckck
apalagi Rangiku Matsumoto yang deket banget sama dia .. gyaaaa .. senangnyaaaaa
Gothei 13

Tousen Kaname
kapten divisi ke 9 (taichousekarang mantan Taichou akbiat berkhianat bareng Aizen dan Ichimaru)
ini kapten emang nggak bisa melihat , tapi menurut gue
ini kapten yang termasuk keren dan hebat ..
dulu padahal gue kira dia baik .. ckckck
Gothei 13

Kyouraku Shunsui
kapten divisi ke 8 (taichou)
kataa temen temen gue . ini kapten suka ngegodain sama ngerayu rayu . KATANYA .
Gothei 13

Komamura Sajin
kapten divisi ke 7 (taichou)
muka aslinya nggak tau hewan apa ... yang jelas dia selalu pake ini penutup kepala .
Gothei 13

Byakuya Kuchiki
haduh .. ini chara favorite juga ... keren tapi .. aduhh Hisana Kuchiki beruntung
beruntuuuuuung banget ...
kapten Divisi ke 6 (taichou)
Gothei 13

Aizen Sousuke
kapten divisi ke 5
(taichousekarang mantan Taichou karena berkhianat bareng Tousen Kaname dan Ichimaru Gin)
perlu diketahui , bagi gue bankainya keren
Gothei 13

Unohana Retsu
(kyaaa !!!! she's my favorite chara)
kapten divisi ke 4 (taichou)
di Gothei 13

Gin Ichimaru
kapten Divisi ke tiga . (taichousekarang mantan taichou akibat berkhianat bareng Aizen dan Tousen)
Gothei 13

Soi Fong
ini kapten Divisi ke 2 (taichou)
di Gothei 13

Genryuusai Yamamoto Shigekuni
kapten divisi 1 sekaligus Soutaichou Gothei 13
hahah .. pertama ,, gue suka liat Bleach , karena
  • seru
  • Ichigo-nya keren
  • Ada Rukia
  • dan bernuansa anak SMA .
itu semua gue simpulin pas gue BARU pertama kalinya nonton episode PERTAMA.

kecintaan gue sama Bleach berlangsung begitu tau .. TOSH
gyaaa ,,, dia adalah kapten yang membuatku 7hari7malam ga bisa lepas dari Bleach

nah kali ini .. gue bener bener CINTA banget sama Anime BLEACH ..
karena ngeliat pairing HitsuHina .

hwaaa .. so sweet ...
tapi cukup sedih juga .. karena Bleach dikategorikan kartun yang ga boleh ditonton anak kecil tanpa Bimbingan Orang Tua ... hwaaah ... sempet terpukul ngedenger itu ...

tapi itu kan anak kecil .. berarti bukan gue ... hehehehehe :D

liat gambarnya sih .. disaranin dari bawah keatas ... nanti ... jadinya Divisi ke 13-1 ... ckck . gue salah upload :'( tapi tetep seneng :')

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hwah !!!!! senangnyaaa ... nggak tau kenapa !!!

Now , I'm know , how Hitsugaya love Hinamori , i support him , HitsuHina , my favorite pair after IchiRuki . :D


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aneh deh , kalo gue keorean mandi , ditanyain . kalo kemaleman . diomelein . ahh .. ga ada yang bener deh ! bingung gue teh !

Frida Gustavsson .

Fashion weeks are upon us again. We celebrate the peek into a new season by honoring the best dressed models of the world.
With less than a year on the international fashion scene, Frida’s rise to fame has been at the speed of light. Catwalk debut for Valentino couture show in July 2009, she’s participated in one ready to wear season as of yet, opening the show for Gianfranco Ferré and Luella, closing Just Cavalli and Gareth Pugh ending up 60 shows richer and ranked four on the’s Walk the Walk list (rates of shows per model each season). Only 16 we’re swept away by her accomplishments as well as her professional and mature ways. During her first season on fashion’s radar Frida’s personal sense of style was also recognized. At 5"11 the stunning teen has a great sense of classic style with perfect fit blouses and shirts, blazers and skirts. Despite her staple of classic buisness wear, Frida never looks boring but in reverse too cool for school and stunning at every glance and angle. With legs taller than half of the world’s population and a face with traces of an angel and devil, childish yet all grown up: a soft kitten meets an upsettingly violent tiger, no other young model really stands a chance.

My favorite veil ... ♥

Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatu...

Rabbani , i always bought veil in here , because very comfort .
i always wear this veil , the material is very comfort , and i
have some veil this produk
cape pake bahasa inggris ,,, haha terusinnya pake bahasa Indonesia ya , lagi pula belum terlalu lancar , hahaha :D
huwaa ... kalo ibu gue beli kerudung disini , gue juga beli doong .. hahaha
abis gue seneng ,,, kayaknya enak banget buat aktivitas
lagian , ada bajubajunya , atau mukenanya ,
waktu itu sih gue niatnya mau beli mukena juga
cuma diukur ukur , gue sholat masih agal bolong , (apalagi isya)
makanya ibu ga mau beliin . huhuhuu T_T
tapi ga apa apalah , haha , gue paling seneng sih warna putih ,,, bisa dipake sama warna
baju apa aja . paling warna lain yang gue punya cuma
pink,biru,coklat,ijo,sama merah, haha .
udah dulu yee ,,,,
sekian dari saya ..
Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatu...

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Bad Romance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance
I want your uglyI want your diseaseI want your everythingAs long as it’s freeI want your love(Love-love-love I want your love)
I want your dramaThe touch of your handI want your leather-studded kiss in the sandI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your love(Love-love-love I want your love)
You know that I want youAnd you know that I need youI want it bad, your bad romance
I want your love andI want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romance(Oh-oh-oh–oh-oooh!)I want your love andAll your lovers’ revengeYou and me could write a bad romance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance
I want your horrorI want your design‘Cause you’re a criminalAs long as your mineI want your love(Love-love-love I want your love-uuhh)

I want your psychoYour vertigo stickWant you in my rear windowBaby you’re sickI want your loveLove-love-loveI want your love(Love-love-love I want your love)
You know that I want you(’Cause I’m a freak bitch baby!)And you know that I need youI want a bad, bad romance
I want your love andI want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romance(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!)I want your love andAll your lovers’ revengeYou and me could write a bad romance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-
oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Caught in a bad romance
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance

Walk, walk fashion babyWork itMove that bitch crazy
Walk, walk fashion babyWork itMove that bitch crazy
Walk, walk fashion babyWork itMove that bitch crazy
Walk, walk fashion babyWork itI’m a freak bitch, baby

I want your love andI want your revengeI want your loveI don’t wanna be friends
Je veux ton amourEt je veux ta revancheJe veux ton amourI don’t wanna be friendsOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!I don’t wanna be friends(Caught in a bad romance)I don’t wanna be friendsOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!Want your bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)Want your bad romance!
I want your love andI want your revengeYou and me could write a bad romanceOh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!I want your love andAll your lovers’ revengeYou and me could write a bad romance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Want your bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)Want your bad romance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh-oh-oh!Want your bad romance(Caught in a bad romance)
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-ah!Roma-roma-mamaa!Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!Want your bad romance
that's above my favorite song ! love you ♥

Tokio Hotel

This topic is very popular in my classroom , that's TOKIO HOTEL !
my friends Moudy , like this band . she always sang a song from that band

ketinggalan episode BLEACH !

huwaaaa .. saya ketinggalan bleach hari ini ... hikshiks .. padahal mau liat openingnya ...

Aqua Timez- Alones ...

padahal ga bisa liat lewat internet .. garagara ga ada aplikasi Java ,,, kasih saraaan doong!!!

post signature hahaha .. sneng chat di omegle ...

she's my best the best of all . Destya Dwi Astuti , because her always make me happy

in LBD,TRAIN,SCHOOL(lho?),HOME,other place .. haha

she always join in my group in school , train or everything . :D

that above the text is Geni and Syifa (kika) they my bestfriend in my go and back to school .

so they are always make me happy too . hehe ..

that above this text is my friends out of class , but they are so always make me happy everyday , everytime .. :D

this is picture me beside all my friends in the class ... i also love them too . because always make me feel comfort in my class and not make me feel bored :D

THe Dottes Shortpants

Dot. These dotted shorts have us dreaming of strolling the beach on a long summer day... s are always fantastic to use when styling a look (

Looklet ! the website for fashioinistaaa !

This Look Created By Me !!! you can add my facebook
Marisa Ulfah Khairunnisa

Lady Gaga

this actrees is very good with her style , this my favorite singer in West Singer .. haha .

you can see all Lady Gaga profile in or any website . you can hear any song in again , because very complete . but .. you must search before you can do all of that !

GOOD LUCK my friends !

this the either for her picture .. i just take one picture .. i think this the best picture of Lady Gaga
lady gaga Pictures, Images and Photos
Lady Gaga
this her song info i know :
*Just Dance
*Poker Face
*Bad Romance

this time to change my personality .!!!

dannn ...

sekarang lah .. waktunya .. gue ngubah kepribadian atau yang bisa disebut sikap gue ...
terutama .. sifat gue yang .. :
  1. egois
  2. gampang marah
  3. cepet bad mood
  4. aneh
  5. cerewet
  6. nyebelin
  7. ngeselin

menjadi yang Marisa Ulfah Khairunnisa biasa , dan baik hati

gue minta do'a sma dukungannya aja kok . okey ! :]

foto paparazzi yang lain . hehe

(kenapa mba odhie ?)

(ampe segitunya mbaaaa ??? HAHAHA)

(kunaon tante nitaa ? haha)

paparazi (gue lupa part berapa)

(wehehe ... kenapa ekka ??sampe segitunya deh kagetnya .. haha)
(ngapain buu ???eta si ira intan ama shara ngapain ikut ikutan ? haha . gue ngapain tuh ?)

(duuh . haha . duit aye ada berape ye ? haha (peace tinuyyy))

(wahahaha.. si tinuy mulu deeeh . hahaha)

(prahat the pijit . hahaha)

that's created by Ajri Scadsa Darutama . haha .. good job deh ! haha