Katherine Hepburn |
Recognized and beloved today for her unconventional, straightforward approach to feminity, Hollywood and fame, Katherine Hepburn had a long journey to her iconic image.

Hepburn unapologetically walked around in wide mens trousers, oversized knits and shirts and no-heel flats in a time of the ideal woman a blonde bombshell. With a college degree in philosophy and history, she was ultimately suspended from Bryn Mawr college for breaking curfew, smoking and taking brisk midnight swims in the campus fountain. Encouraged since a very early age to get an education, learn to swim, play tennis and golf, Hepburn fearlessly performed her own stunts on numerous occasions. Her then stained public image was a result of her daring, provocative persona, unfitting with the popular bombshell look of the 30s. Hepburn disliked make up, went to castings and buisness meetings in loafers and tailored jackets all similar to the male producers and directors and refused interviews with the press as well as signing autographs and commenting on her much-gossiped love life and career. Without realizing it she encouraged an entire generation to change their ways of life and style. Her witty charms, unmistakable confidence and style, great talent as an actress won her a life long career in film (together with 4 Oscar wins, most won in ”Best Actress” up to date) and stage as well as a powerful, undefeated influence in fashion.
Katherine by two of our great stylists:

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